>>>>> "bigl" == bigl  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bigl> On Wed, 25 Sep 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>  Is this still Debian related?
>> Erick

bigl> As far as I read this list about 70-80% of messages are
bigl> "off-topic" but there is no sharp edge between normal unix
bigl> questions (or specialy about one package) and "Debian
bigl> questions". I've found on this list many interesting things not
bigl> about creating .deb packages or something like this but about
bigl> something really different (thanks to all of you :-) ).  So i
bigl> think that any "censorship" should be used very careful.

Especially when the previous posts were about the shortcomings of the
Debian LaTeX system and merits of a LaTeX distribution that is a
potential debian package.  Such a debian package will be welcomed by
many (including myself).

Billy C.-M. Chow          [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Debian Linux

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