> I am curious whether or not the conventional PC disk compression utilities
> such as Stacker and Drivespace are compatible with the Linux O/S?
> I heard that Stacker 4.0 for O/S2 was a compatible utility. Fact or
> Fantasy?

The "conventional" utils are not compatible with Linux.  I believe there is a 
utility to allow Linux to read DoubleSpaced systems.

Linux has a filesystem-independent on-the-fly compression for Linux called 
DouBle, that incidentally, I am writing the documentation for :-)

Check it out at http://homepage.midusa.net/~jgoerzen/DouBle

John Goerzen          | System administrator & owner, The Communications
Custom programming    | Centre and Complete Network (complete.org)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Free Unix shell access, 316-367-8490 w/ your modem.

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