David Puryear writes:

-> But when I do "date" and "clock" I get two different times. The
-> time I get from "date" is way off. So I usually do "clock -s"
-> and everything is fine. Any idea as why?

Define 'way off'. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? An even number of hours?
If the difference is an even number of hours or within seconds of it,
check the /etc/init.d/boot script and make sure near the top it says
GMT="", and not GMT="-u".


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
        The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will 
        not understand what he finds.  --Claude Bernard

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