Johann Spies wrote:
> After a few weeks trying out Linux I decided to downloaded Emacs and sofar I 
> am impressed with Emacs.  
> I have not succeeded in getting Emacs Gnus to read news, however.  I did put 
> export in my .bashrc file but it did not have 
> any effect on gnus' behavior
> I get the following error message: 
> Johann (My computer name) open error:''. Continue?

As written in the bash manual: .bashrc is only loaded by non-login shells,
put the following at the top of your .bash_profile to get it read in login
shells as well:

  test -r $HOME/.bashrc && source $HOME/.bashrc

That change was introduced in version 1.12 or 1.13.

Dominik Kubla
The text above represents my personal opinion and does not represent the
official position of my employer on the issue(s) discussed.
Any official statement made on behalf of my employer by me is marked as such.

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