On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Pete Harlan wrote:

> > In my experience, I've had to turn MGETTY OFF when I wanted to make an
> > outbound PPP call.  Dunno exactly why.  I can dial out when I have MGETTY
> > running, if I dial out with something like Minicom.
> This is because they're not putting their lockfiles in the same
> directory.  Look at the compilation options for both of them and make
> sure that they're each using, e.g., "/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0" for the
> lockfile, and that they write their pid in the file in ASCII format
> (not binary).  (This is from the Linux FSSTND.)
> Kermit, Minicom, pppd, any modem software you write, mgetty, etc.,
> must agree on all of the above, and then it works like a dream.

I use DCON..  its DCON that can't OPEN the port...  pppd works fine, and
mgetty work fine.. but its DCON that can't share the port...

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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