On 25 Oct 1996, Raja R Harinath wrote:

> Hi,
> The current status of X on Debian is (as I understand it)
> - the version is XFree3.1.2
> - XFree3.1.2G is the latest beta version, but can't be included in 
>    Debian since the beta isn't distributed with source.
> The official X11R6.1 distribution includes XFree3.1.2C ddxen -- this may
> not be the latest and greatest, but this is a newer version than 3.1.2,
> and includes source.  So, will there atleast be an X11R6.1/XF3.1.2C
> release in the near future?
> - Hari

I certainly hope so.. I've been running a self compiled 6.1 release.. its
MUCH faster than the version 6.  


                              Daniel Stringfield  
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