On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Matthew D Moss wrote:

> I have a 1gig IDE hard drive in my Intel/Debian Linux machine.  The machine
> is up all the time, and up until now, I've had no problems with it.
> Recently, the hard drive has starting making a weird "ping" noise that
> I know I've never heard before.  These ping's are very infrequent, but
> usually come 2-3 within a minute, then won't happen again (that I know)
> for a day or two.  Even that seems too often....
> Can anyone tell me what this might indicate?  Hopefully it's not the drive
> going bad, considering it's less that 6 months old.  What would be the
> best way to diagnose and repair this problem???  I really don't favor
> getting another drive, since this is my primary machine.
Unfortunately, this is the drive physically going bad.  The ping sound is
the built-in controller of the drive losing control of the drive... :(

I recommend backing it up ASAP and then return it to who you purchased it

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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