Hello, I recently got a Megahertz CC/XJEM3288 combo card for my Toshiba Tecra 500CDT. This is supposed to be supported according to all docs I've found (which wasn't too much, really). The problem is that it wan'ts to configure the card wrong. I don't even care about the serial side yet, which also apears wrong, but I need to get the eth0 working so I can finish the install. I grabbed the card services stuff from unstable and it dropped right in with no problem. I also have all of the needed network packages. However, the smc91c92_cs module gets loaded by the cardmgr process using insmod. I can't set options in /etc/conf.modules because cardmgr ignores them. I tried setting options in the config.opts file, but they seem to be ignored as well. The cardmgr is trying to use irq=4 and iobase=0x300. I ran the diagnose program under dos (this is a utility that comes with the card) and it says I'm at IRQ 11 and BASE 140h. does anybody know how I can get the cardmgr to use these values? I can provide my .opts files as well as the output from diagnose if needed.
Thanks in advance. Richard G. Roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] 011-81-3-3437-7967 - Tokyo, Japan -- ******************************************************************************* Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation, offer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer account or account activity contained in this communication. ******************************************************************************* -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]