OK, I downloaded the source for the 2.0.24 kernel and compiled a custom kernel 
yesterday. And now I have the tree leftover taking up 30M on my hard drive. 
And I was wondering what I can clean up to free up the space.

I know I can run a make clean to remove the *.o files and other compiling 
files, but that would still leave quite a bit leftover.

I am tempted to rm -r the whole tree (which I have done previously), but I see 
the Documentation that I might want to keep some things handy (like the 
documentation). So what do I do with all the include files? should I copy them 
all over to the /usr/include directory? and do I want to leave something 
hanging around /usr/src/linux?

Thanks in advance for your assistance. 

The AtticKeeper: David Morris  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending... -- Unknown
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