I just upgraded my news box to the latest rex stuff (my mirror is freshly
updated every morning) and while doing so, discovered that i've had some
corruption on my news spool drive sometime in the last month.

i found the following files in /var/spool/news/control:

c---r-----   1 8736     30054    116,  32 Apr  4  1987 504023
cr-Sr-sr-x   1 11565    8224      32,  32 Jan 30  1987 504024
br-x-w----   1 26740    28270    110, 105 Mar 21  2029 504027
br-xr----t   1 11891    28015    108, 101 May 22  2031 504028
br-sr-srwx   1 28193    28265    112,  45 May 22  2031 504029
c---r-----   1 28499    30068     32, 101 Mar 30  2029 504048
br-xrwS---   1 26994    8294     101, 109 Mar  9  2029 504049
br-xrwSr--   1 14962    28520    104, 116 Nov 26  2023 504050

BTW, this is AFTER umounting the filesystem and running e2fsck 1.06 on it. 
Before e2fsck, they had sizes of hundreds of megabytes or even gigabytes
(not possible considering it's only a 2.5gb drive) 

anyway, i can't seem to delete them.

if i try to delete them, i get:

(news-root) [19:36:15] /var/spool/news/control# rm -f 504*
rm: 504023: Operation not permitted
rm: 504024: Operation not permitted
rm: 504027: Operation not permitted
rm: 504028: Operation not permitted
rm: 504029: Operation not permitted
rm: 504048: Operation not permitted
rm: 504049: Operation not permitted
rm: 504050: Operation not permitted

chmod gets exactly the same result.

Even chattr won't touch them:

(news-root) [19:41:52] /var/spool/news/control# chattr -i 504*
chattr 1.06, 7-Oct-96 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504023
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504024
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504027
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504028
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504029
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504048
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504049
chattr: No such device while reading flags on 504050

lsattr says basically the same thing, and refuses to show any information
about them.

Anyone got any idea how i can get rid of these garbage files?

btw, if it's relevant, my news box is still running linux 2.0.13...I
should upgrade it to 2.0.24 i suppose. 


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