On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:

>  Nick> Actually, for a small newsfeed I prefer CNews with the nntp
>  Nick> package to inn (but that's a personal preference). If you have
>  Nick> inn up and running properly, don't bother changing it.
> i would advice using leafnode - doesn't require any news feed
> acts as a reader to remote news server, small, runs from [x]inetd
> take a look at it
> http://www.troll.no/freebies/leafnode.html
> or
> http://www.ssc.com/lg/issue9/newsserver.html

Zdrastvuy Tavarischt!

Thanks for the tip.  I probably won't change because I've already got
CNews, NNTP and suck working quite nicely.  I will take a look at
leafnode for some other installations I've got to do in the near

Best regards,


Nick Busigin                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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