On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Branden Robinson wrote:

> I have a similar problem (but I can eventually get syslogd and klogd to
> both come up by "./etc/init.d/sysklogd restart" over and over again).  I
> did a test -e for every file mentioned in /etc/syslog.conf and got a 0
> status every time?
> Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Yeppers; run strace.

Mine dies when it tries to do gethostname on the local machine, which
almost makes sense, since it is on a location on the network different
from its destination, and the DNS server is unreachable right now.

But then again, why is it not getting the localhost name from /etc/hosts?
I have named set up in forwarder mode, (order host, bind).


Todd Graham Lewis             Linux!                 Core Engineering
Mindspring Enterprises  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (800) 719 4664, x2804

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