> Prior to the freezing of rex, "unstable" (rex) contained all of the
> physical files of the distribution.
> Now, "unstable" is "bo", and it has many links back to rex.
> At what point will "bo" loose the links to rex and be self-contained
> again?

The plan is to leave symlinks from "bo" to "rex" until the time that
"bo" is frozen.

> When the change occured, my mirror of "unstable" lost a bunch of files.
> Now I have to get both rex and bo. I think I can continually mirror
> "unstable" only, by careful use of the following option in mirror, but
> I haven't actually tried this yet:
>      If the remote site contains symlinks that you want to "flat-
>      ten  out"  into  the  corresponding  files,  then do this by
>      changing the flags passed to the remote ls:
>           flags_recursive+L
>      or
>           flags_nonrecursive+L
>      First test this by trying a ls -lRatL  on  the  remote  site
>      under the ftp command to check whether the remote file-store
>      has any symlink loops.
> Anybody got a better method to mirror only the "unstable" tree
> efficiently?

We have the same problem here.  I didn't know about the options you
describe.  Unfortunately, that would disable all symlinks for the
entire Debian distribution unless you get "unstable" separately.
This is not too difficult to do, luckily.

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