> > Is there a version of Hypermail (the web-based mail archiver) for Debian?
> No.
> Having used Hypermail, I recommend mhonarc (hypermail dumped core when used
> on large archives on FreeBSD), which is packaged:

Following your suggestion I've installed mhonarc on a linux debian
machine, and it is great.
Only a problem that I cannot solve because I'm not good enough. I
set-up mhonarc in a way it is started by .forward every time an
email arrives, using the "webnewmail" perl example. It works fine,
but it creates the new messages with this protections and owner:
-rw-r--r--   1 fabrizio fabrizio      366 Nov 22 11:02 index.html
-rw-------   1 nobody   nogroup     23136 Nov 22 11:08 .mhonarc.db
-rw-------   1 nobody   nogroup      9917 Nov 22 11:08 maillist.html
-rw-------   1 nobody   nogroup      1303 Nov 21 21:31 msg00000.html
etc. (the last three lines are generated by mhonarc)
The Apache server accesses the pages correctly. But when I want to delete
a message, or scan the database, using "mhonarc -scan", mhonarc cannot
access it because of the wrong ownership of the files (when I start it
manually it runs with 'fabrizio:fabrizio' ownership) 
I can I solve this problem? The installation program (dpkg) did all
automatically, so I don't know what should be changed.
thanks a lot!

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