How complete is the Dec Alpha dist? Last i took a peek it looked quite
uncomplete but i may have been looking in the wrong place...

Regards                 Martin

Mvh                             Martin
Martin Budsjö   RSV Dataservice Väst    |    Linux/m68k Atari.     X X X
Tel:+46 (0)31-606497  Fax: ...605561    |       Linux/Alpha.       X X X
Email (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |    Digital AXP true     XX X XX
______(home)[EMAIL PROTECTED]| 64Bit-CPU/OS pleasure  XX  X  XX
The mind is like a parachute - it only works when it's open..  XXX   X   XXX
   Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
 Public key fingerprint = 07 27 F9 58 05 8F E5 73  69 6C 0B F3 E1 1A EC 27
           Disclaimer: I speak for myself, not my employer

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