> > Can Linux read NTFS filesystems?  I looked at the partitions using fdisk
> > and it read the NTFS filesystem as OS/2 HPFS, but when I tried to mount 
> > it calling it HPFS it didn't work.  Is there any way to do this?
> I don't believe linux can mount NTFS filesystems.  But, did you make sure
> the hpfs is compiled into your kernel?
I did check that.  My basic problem is I have some stuff on my NTFS disk
that I need to get over to another HD which has my linux swap and root 
partitions.  Is there a "fips.exe" type utility that would work on a linux
patition?  That way I could shrink that partition a bit and make a FAT 
partition which could be mounted.

Thanks again.

Robert Platt     McGill-Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute

"For every complex and difficult problem there is always a simple and easy
solution ... and it's wrong."  
                                --  H.L. Mencken

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