"Hamish" == Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hamish> Which software would be best to handle this? From the name,
Hamish> suck sounds like just the thing to get the news in, but I'd
Hamish> guess it won't be interested in batching for UUCP, so I'd need
Hamish> cnews or inn. I'm reasonably familar with configuring Taylor
Hamish> UUCP.

Actually, suck does indeed batch for UUCP, after checking the article
ids and stripping duplicates.  Then you can use rnews to send the
files to your INN.  You can rnews the suck batch files: no UUCP
configuration is necessary unless you need to automatically transfer
the batches between hosts.
  mm   mm     Johnie Ingram, Network Technician
   mm mm      Research & Development, The Library Network
   m m m      33030 Van Born Road, Wayne, MI 48141  +1 313 326 8910 x144
  mm   mm    
  GO BLUE     PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C 
  "Ibala lami elimnyama, ndiya zidla ngalo...."
                -- One by One  (Disney's Rhythm of the Pridelands)

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