> > In the past few weeks I've had a lot of problems with various
> > binaries losing their suid bits. For example, I upgraded smail
> > to the latest (package), and started getting errors from smail
> > telling me it couldn't write to the paniclog. It wasn't suid,
> > as it should've been. A few people have told me in mail that
> > this is a Linux 2.1 bug.
> I don't think so. I suspect this is a bug in the version of dpkg
> you're using. Please check if the setuid bit is set in the '.deb'
> file: dpkg-deb --contents smail*deb; if it is, and it is not
> present after "dpkg -i smail*deb", it is definitively a problem
> with your dpkg version. 

Hmmmm. I just reinstalled smail and the suid bit was maintained.
However the X (S3 server) package seems to be missing the suid bit.
Could be a bug, but the vga16 server has the same. Anyway,
this is wandering off the topic.

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