> Hello,
> we have a small problem using the combination of lpr, lprm on a remote
> machine. A user, who started a printjob with lpr is not allowed to
> remove his own printjob on the other machine. The /etc/passwd and
> /etc/group files are distributed with nis, so both computer use the
> same user-id and group-id. 
> Although the apsfilter cannot access the contents of the cf* files.
> Evaluation of the permisssons leads to:
> On the computer that started the print job:
> -rw-rw----   1 daemon   lp             72 Dec 10 16:03 cfA064Aa00955
> -rw-rw----   1 dirk     lp           9763 Dec 10 16:03 dfA064Aa00955
> On the print-server
> -rw-rw----   1 root     lp             72 Dec 10 16:01 
> cfA064plus.lfm.RWTH-Aachen.DE
> -rw-rw----   1 root     lp           9763 Dec 10 16:01 dfA064Aa00955
> Why are the jobs started with root.lp and not with the users id?
> Thanks
> Dirk
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This happens also if NIS is not there but /etc/hosts.lpd has the corresponding
entry. It seems to be a bug in the implementation of lpd (Correct me if I am
wrong). I changed the lpr package and use lprng. Now it works.

Hope this helps!

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