> I have X all nicely set up now, but fvwm won't run.  I have both fvwm and 
> fvwm2 
> installed (fvwm version 1.24r-24) and when I try to start fvwm (and several 
> other
> graphical programs) I get the message
> fvwm:  can't load library 'libXpm.so.4'
> I am running X 3.2, and have several 'libX**.so.6' files in /usr/X11R6/lib, 
> but not
> that one.

Well, the question is, how did you install fvwm?
The fvwm package depends on xpm4.7, and so you should not be able
to install fvwm without also installing xpm4.7.

(One question: do you maybe have an aout version of xpm installed that
is also called "xpm4.7"? If so, you've discovered a fvwm bug).

> Any suggestions? 

Well, install xpm4.7_3.4h-1 (or later?)

joost witteveen
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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