I recently upgraded a debian box from stable 1.1 to the packages in 
"unstable". I don't recal if ncurses was updated, but I know nvi was.

Anyway, now, nvi is behaving wierd. Whenever I scroll down in a document,
I'm getting an extra linefeed with each line, so it looks like the
document is double-spaced. Also, when I delete a line, it tends to shift
the whole screen of text by one line up, so that my cursor looks like its
on a different line than it is. It forces me to do ^L's all the time to
make sure that my screen is "sync"ed with reality.

I know it happens when using my Win95 telnet client set at 50 lines
(with rows and cols properly set on the linux side, and vt100 set). I
*think* I recall it even happening to me from console (which is also
set to 50 lines). I *am* sure that it didn't do this before the upgrade.

Anybody else having this problem?

- Joe

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