On 12 Dec 1996, Rob Browning wrote:

> "Carlo U. Segre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Indeed, that is what I meant above by saying that the configuration files 
> > seem OK.  Both the Xresources files have valid entries in them for the 
> > 'greetColor' (CadetBlue) and 'greeting' (Debian Linux (CLIENTHOST)).  
> > Clearly the configuration files are not the problem but  something else 
> > must be set improperly.
> I have the same problem here, so you're not alone. The files are fine,
> but xdm appears to ignore them...

The problem is that xdm uses xrdb to read these configuration files
in.  xrdb has been broken for a while.  It crashes if run with no
options.  My solution was to mv xrdb to xrdb.bin and create a shell
script named xrdb that run xrdb.bin with the -nocpp option.


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