I have searched the Debian web page and the ftp hierarchy and been
unable to find any instructions on upgrading to 1.2 from 1.1, except
for a cryptic sentence in the README in the upgrades directory -- the
rest of the documentation there is outdated.  What to do with the
files mentioned in the README as relevant to this upgrade is unclear.
The mail archives of debian-user are broken or at least out of date,
so please pardon me if this is a recent FAQ.

Is there a way to use dpkg-ftp to do the upgrade?  An older version of
dpkg-ftp than is now available used to work with 1.1, but it broke
itself by unpacking of a newer version of itself (1.4.5).  I could
raid my backups for the old dpkg-ftp that works, but perhaps there is
an easier way.  The new dpkg-ftp requires an updated dpkg, which
requires an updated libc5 and ldso, which is getting too dangerous, so
I won't attempt this by hand without instructions.  I realize it would
be safe to download all of the base dir and manually install it, but
again this is surely more work than necessary.

I don't think I am on this mailing list, so please reply accordingly.

Matt Swift

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