I have Debian packages on a Win95 formatted disk
and need to transfer them to a Linux formatted
disk. These packages have the long filenames, they
were not downloaded from the msdos directory. However
when I try to access the files directly from Linux,
it converts the files to the 8.3 dos convention
thus losing the long filenames.

The Linux formatted disk has a spare partition
I can work with to help transfer these files.
I am wondering, if I format the spare partition
to the umsdos format, will Win95 be able to recognize
it - letting me copy the files there, and preserve
the long filenames. Then could I copy/install the
files through Linux from the umsdos partition to the
ext2 partition keeping the filenames intact?

If this is possible, how do I format the partition
to the umsdos format? The mkfs command seems to have
only msdos but not umsdos.

If this idea will not work, are there any ways to
transfer these files to my Linux file system and
preserve the long filenames?


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