I sent this message last night around mid-night but it doesn't seem to
have made it to the list as of this morning.  So, I'm resending it.  My
appologies if two of these messages suddenly show up on the list.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: pppd only works once per reboot

I have run into a strange problem with a Debian machine I am setting up in
my workplace.  pppd only works once after a re-boot and then subsequent
attempts to run pppd result in chat timing out and exiting on an alarm. 
What's strange, is that I can run chat from the bash shell's command line
(redirecting its i/o to the serial port) and it dials up my Internet
provider with no trouble at all. It's just when chat is invoked by pppd
that it doesn't work (except for 1 time after a re-boot).  Minicom also
works with no problems at all.  Strange. 

As far as debugging goes... I've enabled debugging on both pppd and chat. 
The only thing that the log files show is that chat doesn't appear to be
getting any response from the modem (except when run the 1st time after a
reboot by pppd, or anytime from the command line). 

FWIW, I'm running Debian 1.1.1, kernel version 2.0.0 and ppp version
ppp_2.2.0f.  I have ppp running successfully on my Debian machine at home
with no problems and I thought I duplicated my home machine's setup on the
work machine.  Maybe I've missed something. 

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Nick Busigin     <Sent from my Debian/GNU Linux Machine>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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