I'm trying to boot the Debian 1.2 rescure disk on a Gateway 2000 system and it's hanging in the boot process. (I already have an older version on Linux (non-Debian) running on this box.) It's hanging while probing for CDROM drives. The last few lines I see are:
Sony CDU-535: probing base address 340 Did not find a Sony CDU-535 drive GSCD: version 0.4a Oliver Raupach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GSCD: Trying to detect a Goldstar R420 CD-ROM drive at 0x340. GSCD: Goldstar Interface Adapter does not exist or H/W error $id: cm206.c,v 1996/08/11 10:35:01 david Exp $ and that's it. The cursor is sitting after the last '$'. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes just to make sure it wasn't just slow. I do not have a CDROM drive. Is there a way to boot skipping the CDROM searching? I could not find any clues in the F1-F10 help screens. Thanks, Mike Roberts -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]