On Thu, 19 Dec 1996, David Puryear wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to connect two computer with serial cable but I couldn't find
> the cable long enough. So I went to electronic store and bought cable
> without plugs and plugs. I ask them which wire went where, but they had
> no idea.:( I think I saw a posting of this somewhere, but have no idea
> as where. So I'm sorry if this is wrong place, but I don't know where to
> ask this. I asked all the computer stores around here and they don't
> know it either. One of them did say 2 and 3 are reversed, but didn't
> know anymore details. Does any one know the pinout of 9 pin serial
> cable?
> Thanks in advance,
> David
You can find the pinouts in the Serial-HOWTO.  If you don't have or can't
find this let me know and I will mail it to you.

A. Paul

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