On Thu, 19 Dec 1996, Joseph L. Hartmann, Jr. wrote:

> I would like to be able to install Debian over my Rehdat 3.03 without 
> losing data files (all my faqs, msgs from the net, and so on)  
> Is this possible? Please point me in the right direction of what to read.
Your best bet is to put everything you wish untouched into /usr/local/...
NO! Actually, your best bet is to back everything up that you want and do
a clean install. Well, maybe a combination: Put everything you want saved
into /usr/local/xxx, then back it up, then start by untarring
basexxx.tar.gz, configure it, and you should be ready to reboot and
install the rest of what you want. If this fails, you are prepared to do a
clean install. Remember, no matter how painful this transition feels, this
will be the last time you need go through it. All future upgrades will be
relatively painless by comparison.



------------                                          --------------

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
      Flexible Software              Fax:     NONE 
      Black Creek Critters           e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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