> I am trying to build octave 2.0 on my 1.1 system. I did not have the c++
> libs (libg++), but if I get the new libg++, that depends on libc5.4, but I
> have libc5.2. (I am assuming that my lack of the c++ libs is what is causing
> the octave configure script to think my C++ compiler does not work (the c++
> calls fails due to no -lstdc++ lib)).
> What is the best course of action? Will a new libc cause problems? Can I
> force the libg++ install. Is there an octave 2.0 binary in the works?

Personally, I would advice to just install the new libc, libg27++.
This is what debian 1.2 uses, and you will not be able to install
most of the packages in 1.2 if you have libc-5.2.18. On the other
hand, I don't use Octave, so I cannot promise you that it will work.

The rest that uses libg27++ does work, however.

joost witteveen
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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