
> Also through I like the package approach. I wonder why the linux
> standard includes all the package files in system file locations??
> Looking at the dpkg-deb command I don't thing it would be too difficult
> to drop them into package subdirectories. And from the lists of install
> packages create an expaned PATH by/for /etc/profile. I believe this
> could all be done with out changing the packages in anyway. The
> advantage is more modular packages which are easier to clean up if the
> install scripts fail. Also packages could be exported more easily
> without requiring exporting all of /usr which in my oppinion is NOT a
> good idea.

But this would be a retrogression in the Linux directories tree,
as specified in the documentation at http://www.pathname.com/fhs.
Check it and you will see.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222
IRC: AlexG

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