
I have been having problems with talk and ytalk under Linux.  Any help would
be greatly appreciated!

Both programs work fine when trying to talk to somebody else on the local

When trying to use talk or ytalk to talk to somebody on a remote system,
neither program works.

Talk just locks up displaying "[Checking for invitation on caller's
machine]".  Ytalk complains of " find_daemon: recv() failed Connection
refused" and then complains "sendit: recv() failed Connection refused".

On IRC #linux, somebody told me that there might be a problem in /etc/hosts,
but did not know what the problem might be.

I am using PPP and have dynamic IP addressing.  My system also is
UUCP-connected, so for the purposes of things like hostname, it is known as
"complete.org" (the domain name used for news, mail, etc.)  Everything seems
to work OK -- IRC, News, etc.  But not talk.

So I hope that somebody here can help me.  I have tried setting localhost to but that seems to break more things than it fixes.  People have
told me that everything else is supposed to be so I did that.

Here is my /etc/hosts file:       complete.org            complete       localhost

# These below are rarely used.       centre.complete.org     centre       mail.complete.org       mail       news.complete.org       news

# Some other irrelevant stuff trimmed.

My /etc/hostname contains the word "complete".  This file is fed to the
hostname program at boot time by using hostname --file.

John Goerzen          | System administrator & owner, The Communications
Custom programming    | Centre and Complete Network (complete.org)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Free Unix shell access, 316-367-8490 w/ your modem.
John Goerzen          | System administrator & owner, The Communications
Custom programming    | Centre and Complete Network (complete.org)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Free Unix shell access, 316-367-8490 w/ your modem.

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