On Mon, 23 Dec 1996, Ed Down wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 18:58:54 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Ed Down <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: General clueless upgrade question
> OK, I instaled Debian 1.1 a while ago and it all went fine. Now I want to
> add a couple more packages, so I ftp'd to my local mirror. I went to the
> rex directory - not the one in the Debian-1.2 directory, so I assume I'm
> in the 1.1 tree - and downloaded a new Packages file and the packages I

rex IS 1.2.  I think that buzz is 1.1.  There are several directories like
Debian-1.2, stable, etc that point to rex (1.2)  I don't know if there is
anything besides buzz that has 1.1 anymore.  I also have no clue as to how
up-to-date it is.
> On a different track, I want to upgrade to 1.2 at some point. Is there a
> doc on this? If I use the new installation disks does it give me the
> option just to upgrade, without the disk format, or can I just upgrade the
> kernel and all the other packages I use to the latest vewrsions and that
> will be the same as a 1.2 system installed from scratch?

>From my 1.1 system I just used dselect using the ftp access method and
things went fairly smoothly.  I don't know if there is a doc about such
upgrading, it would be nice if there was one posted like with the install
instructions, but here is what I did.

After running dselect the first time through, I got some problems with
packages that pre-depended on others.  It might help to try JUST updating
the base packages first, then the others.  Maybe it would be better to use
dpkg on base, then use dselect, I don't know.  In any case, I re-ran
dselect a couple of times which took care of most of the problems, the
only difficult one being that dselect got kind of broken in the process,
and the ftp access stopped working for a while.  Since I had downloaded
all the packages that I needed (including dselect) I re-directed dselect
to use the directory on the hard-drive that had the downloaded files.  It
worked fine getting finished and that stuff was OK.  The only problems
left were getting my Ethernet card recognized, and getting the CD-Rom
module for my cd to load.  I fixed the Ethernet card using modconf, pretty
easy and no problems.  The CD was tougher, and I finally re-made the
kernal to get rid of all the probing for CD-Roms that the default 1.2
Kernal tries to do.  Along the way, I found out how to get the CD working
without the recompile, but I have an old, weird (cdu33a) CD so that may
not be a problem for you.

I suspect that there are a few simple things that could have made the
upgrade easier, but all in all, it was pretty nice, and I certainly did
NOT have to reformat my disk.  Most of the package upgrades were even able
to recognize my original configurations and so just about everything came
up just as it had been.

Hope this helps,

        - Don

Don Prezioso               Ashland University          Phone: (419) 289-5015
System Programmer/Analyst  401 College Avenue      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Administrative Computing   Ashland, OH  44805  http://www.ashland.edu/~dprez

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