> While upgrading, a number of packages (about 10 of the over 100) 
> failed to install.  The result of this was that after the first
> round of attempted installations of the new/updated packages, the
> ftp access method for dselect no longer worked.  
> This was very disconcerting!  
>                                     -gavin...

   When I first installed Debian, this really spooked me as well. I
managed to watch the messages as they flew by, and was able to note that
all of the packages that failed depended on perl being installed. The way
the files were selected though, perl is one of the later things to be
installed, so everything installed before it that depends on it will fail.
How's that for a sentence? Anyway, I found that by simply doing a 'dpkg -i
perl....' and then a 'dpkg -i dpkg...', everything worked once again and
all other failed packages could then be installed and set up by dselect. 
   My suggestion to the debian team would be to add a feature to dselect
that would flag certain packages as 'on hold', install as much as
possible, then go back and try to install the failed packages again. The
dependencies are all correct, but order of installing makes a difference
as well.


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