On Tue, 24 Dec 1996, Roy C Bixler wrote:

> I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any luck with the
> 'poppasswd' package.  I have tried setting it up on a Debian 1.2 system,
> but it just freezes up when I try to change the password from Eudora.  A
> list of all the processes shows that 'poppasswd' is running along with a
> 'passwd rcb'.  These must be killed manually, otherwise they hang around
> even after pressing the 'Stop' button in Eudora.

This is a very tricky problem. poppassd is a small app that calls passwd 
to change the password. Well, it passes some arguments to passwd and 
expects some responses from it. All very fine. Now, the newer debians use 
a passwd program that does a few checks on the password. If the 
new password is too similar to the old one, or if it is too short, or if 
it has too many repeated characters, etc. it will issue an error message 
and prompt you for a new (hopefully better) password. poppassd was not 
desinged to deal with this. It just waits for passwd to issue the prompt 
"re-enter new password" while password is saying "too simple: try again".
Try entering a very random, 8 chars password to see if it works. To solve 
your problem, you must try to find a passwd program that doesn't do these 
checks (at the expense of security) or hack poppassd to be smarter. I 
don't know if debian has a simpler passwd program.

Hope this helps,

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