I realize this isn't a Debian-specific problem, but I was hoping for
some help anyway :)

  I use my Linux machine(s) here at the office to accept remote displays
from the Solaris machines where our big graphing programs are installed
(namely PV-Wave and NCAR Graphics if that helps). I encounter two

  1. If I run in 16-bit mode on the Linux machine, the remote Xwindow that
opens on my display will have the wrong colormap. This can be fixed by
running Linux in 8-bit mode but why should I have to do that? Is there any
way around this? This problems applies mainly with the use of PV-Wave.

  2. Other programs (NCAR Graphics and its related radar RDSS utilities to
name a few, as well as in-house software) refuse to send the correct
colormap even in 8-bit mode. I'm really hoping there is a variable I can
set, or an alternate method of starting X to solve these problems.

  Thanks for any ideas anyone has. Pointers to the correct documentation
is certainly welcome. I've looked, but obviously in the wrong areas. 



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