( Re Message From: Eloy A. Paris )
> > It just happened again. Only this time I was only running Lynx.
> > As soon as I killed lynx, it stopped. It only managed to get
> > up to 5megs in my swap space.
> > This is weird. It seems as though it only happens when I'm connected.
> > I've never noticed or remember it happening when I was not.
> Did you find anything strange in the log files? I remember one time
> that my swap space usage was increasing pretty quickly. I found out
> it was because /var/log/daemon.log was being filled with output from
> named. I got too much junk that it filled my partition.
> Regards,
> E.-
> -- 
> Eloy A. Paris

This suggestion reminds me of another possibility. I haven't experienced
anything like it with a Linux system on ethernet + modem, but back when
I was using a UNIX box with 12 long serial cables coming out of the back
it used to happen from time to time.

What happened was that the serial cables could pick up "mains hum" and
getty would try to log-in the mains hum. Since this always failed, the
disk would fill up with "failed log-in" messages, and pretty quickly.
Since this sort of thing is a hardware problem rather than a system
defect, it might be worth checking your hardware integrity in case it
might be causing something analagous to happen.

Best of luck,
Ted.                                    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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