The only problem in getting X11 to work for an EGA or a MONOCHROME
monitor, is just a proper modeline.  Both devices should use the
"generic" chipset, in the vga16 or mono servers.  Here is a listing of my
setup that I posted earlier...

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier    "My Monitor"
  VendorName    "Victor Technologies"
  ModelName     "Enhanced Color Monitor"

  HorizSync     12-65     # To ensure the server allows me to do some tests
  VertRefresh   40-150

# The clock used here(28.3), must be the second clock that appears in the
# clock line, in the Device section, whatever the numbers.  If you were
# using CGA, it should be the first clock :-)

  Modeline "640x350"    28.3   656  736  744  760   350  363  362  366
  Modeline "656x350"    28.3   656  700  708  760   350  370  391  400

Section "Device"
  Identifier    "Generic VGA"
  VendorName    "Unknown"
  Boardname     "video7"
  Chipset       "generic"
  VideoRam      512
  Clocks        24.5 28.3 36.0 43.8

Section "Screen"
  Driver        "VGA16"   #  "MONO" for the mono server
  Device        "Generic VGA"
  Monitor       "My Monitor"
  Subsection "Display"
    Modes       "656x350" "640x350"   #  "720x400" for hercules
    ViewPort    0 0
    Virtual     800 600
    Visual      "StaticColor"  # "StaticGray" for the mono server

  If you don't have a modeline, you can easily find one by calculating it from
the CRT controller registers... here is a tip.

if you have a hercules graphics adapter, you can easily find the HDiplayed
and VDisplayed values... these are 720 and 400, what you now need is HTotal
and VTotal to start... the HTotal is inside the CRT - index 0.  On my EGA
this value is #$5A.  You start by adding 5 to this value, yielding #$5F and
then shifting it 3 times up... giving 760.

Finding VTotal is a little bit trickier...  the first 7 bits recide in CRTC[6]
and bits 8-9 recide in CRTC[7] bits 0 and 5 respectively.  On my system, peek
in CRTC[6] = #$6C, and CRTC[7]=#$1F, which means that VTotal = #$16C
Ørn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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