On Mon, 30 Dec 1996, Remco van de Meent wrote:
> At 01:22 PM 12/30/96 -0600, Roy C Bixler wrote:
> >On Mon, 30 Dec 1996, Remco van de Meent wrote:
> >> Maybe zmailer is another option? Seems to be very fast also...
> >
> >Yes, this works well, but unfortunately there is no Debian package
> >available for it.  Is anyone working on such a thing?
> I hope so, because I *can* compile it, but I cannot get it to work together
> with piped things like majordomo.

Are you using the latest version (2.99.44 + patch)?  If converting your
majordomo lists is an option, I find it works with 'smartlist'.  The only
thing you have to do there is add the list administrator user to the
'zmailer' group (in /etc/group) of trusted users (see the 'trusted.cf'
file for the default list). 


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