On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, Kendrick Myatt wrote:

> Okay...
>         I have made 3 different sets of diskettes with 3 different machines
> and 3 different copies of the .bin files, but I can't get past the base 1
> diskette encountering an end of file at about 1.2MB.  This is *really*
> starting to annoy me :(  Anybody care to share a sure-fire way to get the
> base diskettes to work?
> I'd appreciate it :)  TIA!

Have you checked to see if your cmos is set to 1.44 floppy, and not 1.2?
I don't know whether or not the base system goes by the BIOS, or by what
it "finds" out of the air.  It could be thinking its the wrong type of
disk, is what is sounds like.

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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