A Happy New Year, and oh - yes - Happy Bug Hunting! ;)

  due to some problems at iconnect, it took quite a while until I finally
got my Debian 1.2 CD, but - now it's here.

  I used that CD to upgrade my system at home (from Debian 1.1.8), and
encountered a few problems here - one of which seems pretty bad.

  a) during the upgrade, dselect couldn't find the predependency libdl1
     for perl.
      fix -> manually install the new ldso package
                dpkg -i stable/binary/base/ldso_1.8.5-1.deb 

  b) after the upgrade the package 'base' was marked obsolete.
     Unfortunately I was dumb enough to remove it, due to its obsoletion.
     It took me basically roughly 8 hours to get the system back working.
     Now (by reverting to 1.1.8) - now I have again upgraded to 1.2, 
     same problem - base is marked obsolete. WHY? (And - if it truly 
     SHOULD BE obsolete, why does it cause problems when it after it is
     But first - IS IT TRULY OBSOLETE, or am I experiencing another problem 

  Furthermore I used the CD to install linux on a PC (PPro180, 64MB,
Adaptec 2940U, Fireball TM3200S, Matrox MGA Millenium 4MB) at work, where
I encountered the following problems:

  a) cfdisk failed to partition the disk properly (on writing partition
     table some of the partitions actually got written, but not all).
     fdisk works fine, though.

  b) I partioned the disk to have 6 logical partitions - unfortunately 
     the boot disks only have devices sd?1 through sd?8. I had to mknod
     the rest of the device entries myself - but I seriously suggest to
     make all those devices in the standard root system, for a not so
     experienced user might not have known how to create a device entry.

  c) Unfortunately, sda9-15 are also missing in the base package, where 
     I forgot to add them before I rebooted the base system to continue
     installation. This resulted in a severe problem in the bootup fsck
     phase (device not found), and the system request my root passwd
     so I could fix things there. When I just hit the return key (since
     root has no password at that stage yet), I got tons of error messages
     indicating 'fgrep: command not found' and the system was locked up -
     I couldn't CTRL-C or CTRL-ALT-DEL it.
     I rebooted using the rescue disk and then mknod the missing sda9 &
     sda10 device entries and rebooted the base system again.
     Result: The install script that gets executed during the first 
     bootup asking you for a root password, creating a user account,
     starting dselect (and maybe other things) was already deleted.

     Suggestion here - do not REMOVE this initial install script, but
     either just remove the automatic start of that script and leave it
     in place or just only rename it, so it can still be used in
     situations like the above. Since I was not sure what else the script
     does I had to reinstall the base system again.

     Also, I think the 'fgrep: command not found' problem referred to
     the automatic start of the first time installation script, which
     should not be started in maintenance mode, correct?

  d) on the main system installation the configuration of texbin didn't 
     work, since the system was lacking libXt.so.6 (required by metafont).




 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                phone: ++41.79.3547891

RIOT, n.  A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.

                                     Ambrose Bierce  ``The Devil's Dictionary''

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