On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Zenon Fortuna wrote:

> I would like to copy lines across opened xterm windows: to select a few
> lines with the left-button, then to go the another window and paste the
> selected text pressing the right button (or the left+right together).
> Why I cannot do it ? Hints ?

It isn't the _right_ mouse button that is generally set to "paste", but 
rather the _middle_ button.  So, if you only have a two-button mouse (not 
so good for X in any case), it must be set up to send the code for the 
middle button when both buttons are pressed at once (the so-called "chord 

I'm not exactly certain how to set this up correctly in your case, since 
I don't know what kind of mouse you have and what its capabilities are.  

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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