Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been interested in interviews for debian so I could package up mxv,
> a rather good sound editing program. I've never gotten mxv to compile,
> though, but maybe I'd have more luck if I didn't have to compile the
> interviews stuff on my own too.
> But a.out?! Is this a binary-only package, or something?

The people who produced Interviews quit supporting it a while back (a
few years ago).  It's written in really gnarly C++, and g++-2.6.3 (and
newer) won't compile it.  Someone supposedly ported it to 2.7.0 - I
had no luck when I messed with it, though.  (I wasn't willing to put
much time in it - I already had produced the package I posted about)

Anyways, I took the BINARIES from the Slackware "iv" disks (version
2.0 of Slackware or something like ), wrote a couple of control files,
and made a Debian package which I'm using quite successfully.  If this
would be of value to anyone, I'm willing to give you what I have.
(But not support it full time or anything like that.)

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