Kendrick Myatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Um, how am I supposed to connect to the ftp site if I don't have ftp?  Heck,
> I don't have any inet capabilities except for ping!  Maybe I missed
> something in the documentation, but it appears that have a pretty useless
> system installed here.  Is there someplace I can look that will actually
> tell me how to set Debian up?  I swear, this is really annoying.  I have
> installed many complicated OS in my life, but this takes the cake :(  Does
> everyone go through this crap, or did I get defective files or something? 
> *sigh*

Debian is already lambasted for needing more disks than anyone else.
The base disks only contain the netbase package, which is the basic
binaries need to get a TCP/IP connection up, and not netstd, which is
all the clients and daemons you expect.

What is on the base disks is dpkg-ftp (it uses perl's Net::FTP, not
ftp).  Fire up dselect and choose the ftp method.  You can download
all the other packages with it.  Hint - choose netstd for starters.


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