On Sun, 5 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> it as new?  Do their machines use standard memory components, so they
> could be easily upgraded with parts from other vendors, etc?  They don't

        AFAIK, PBs use proprietary parts which means you usually have to
buy from them to get upgrade parts.  Not a good thing, IMHO.  Not only are
your options limited, but you usually pay a lot more buying from PB.

>       My current machine is an old 486 box, and I need space for an
> additional HD, etc.  Running an AMD 486/133, so this machine would not
> really be much of an upgrade in itself in terms of performance, but if
> possible, I would quickly upgrade its cpu and memory.  Would this be a
> decent platform to build on or not?

        Hmm ... I think an AMD 5x86/133 is the fastest 486 you can ever
get.  For about $150 or so, you can get a Pentium MB with a AMD K5/100.
If your current video is ISA, you'll also benefit from being able to buy a
PCI video card.  That'll set you back about $50 or so for a mid-range SVGA
card with something like 1MB DRAM.

Arcadio Alivio Sincero, Jr.
Undergraduate Computer Science Major/Linux Enthusiast/Competitive Bodybuilder
WWW:    Not available yet -- still looking for free webspace!

"Bare feet magnetize sharp metal objects so they point upward from the floor,
 especially in the dark."

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