Okay, here is what I have learned...

The Debian 1.2 Disk release version is broken.
There is no ftp or dpkg-ftp program installed to your machine if you get all
the Disks and do a fresh install.  Basically you are screwed :(
Dselect will not work because there is no ftp.
Nobody understands what the problem is because everybody upgraded from a
previous version, so they already had all the files they needed.

I post this in order to save others in the same boat all the frustration and
headaches I have gone through in wanting to get Debian.  Many thanks to
everyone who wrote me personally and helped me figure all this out! :)

I see that there is a Debian 1.2.1 on the site now, so I am going to give it
a try.  I assume that I griped enough, then :)

If not, where can I get 1.1?  Apparently it worked from disks on a clean

Also, is there another list I need to be on to get announcements about new
releases / fixes, etc?  I would not have known about 1.2.1 if I hadn't
noticed it while looking for 1.1 disks...

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