Hello, all!

Just got the Infomagic December pack and started playing with Debian...
I've been using Slackware on a completely stand-alone machine for a 
couple of years but decided to give Debian a try - looking good so far...

But I've got a problem with some dependancies, mainly packages claiming
that they depend on X11R6 and/or xbaseR6... for instance netscape and 
motifnls - I have got XFree86 set up and functioning so what did I fail
to do during the install? I looked at the 1.2-miniFAQ but this problem
isn't covered there...

I also have the same problem as an other poster with X stuff looking for
libs in /usr/lib, creating links to the relevant libs in the X 
directories makes no difference... 

        Michael Tempsch
|                Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out...                |
|    Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, TDGP#20    |
|          [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |

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