Hi to all...:-)))
Well, I'm just a newbie but I'd like a new installation routine for debian. I have the following proposition for future installation routines.
First dselect is not very user friendly...and for a newbie it's say difficult to use...:-)) It gives the possibility to install MANY packages. Of course sometimes I do not know whether I'll ever need them. Later dpkg always needs magical spells to make it work. What U think about something like this:
A text based installation of the BASE system (whatever it is) plus X. Later we continue the installation under X by just using something like xdselect or xdpkg (without cryptic spells, just checkboxes). Of course there should be an option for all these who love the text version of the installation...:-)) I think installing and upgrading under X by just using the mouse pointer should be possible...and BTW other so called OS can do it too...more or less...:-))) Maybe someone is currently working on an installation routine like this and I think it would make debian more user friendly and debian would gain more users....
Greetings to all

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