Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > I put this in my /etc/ppp/ip-up script:
> >
> > ping -i 120 $5 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
>                ^
>                |
>                what is it?  not found in man page

Sorry, you probably looked at the wrong man page. From "man pppd":

              A program or script which is executed when the link
              is available for sending and receiving  IP  packets
              (that  is,  IPCP has come up).  It is executed with
              the parameters
              interface-name  tty-device  speed  local-IP-address
              and  with  its  standard  input,  output  and error
              streams redirected to /dev/null.
              This program or script is executed  with  the  same
              real  and  effective  user-ID  as pppd, that is, at
              least the effective user-ID and possibly  the  real
              user-ID  will  be  root.  This is so that it can be
              used to manipulate routes, run  privileged  daemons
              (e.g.   sendmail),  etc.   Be careful that the conĀ­
              tents of the  /etc/ppp/ip-up  and  /etc/ppp/ip-down
              scripts do not compromise your system's security.
              A program or script which is executed when the link
              is no longer available for sending and receiving IP
              packets.   This  script can be used for undoing the
              effects  of  the  /etc/ppp/ip-up  script.   It   is
              invoked  with  the  same  parameters  as  the ip-up
              script, and the same security considerations apply,
              since  it  is  executed with the same effective and
              real user-IDs as pppd.

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