Hello all

I try to put the Debian distribution on a 486DX33 computer with 4 MB of
I have downloaded the latest release and put the software on 6 disks.
I have also read the instructions in the install.html and checked the BIOS.
When I put a DOS diskette in drive A and I do FDISK, the harddisk is
recognized and I am able to make and remove partitions.

However, when I put the first diskette (resue) in the disk and boot the
system all goes well until the following messages appear:
Patitition check:
hda:hda: status error: status=0x01 {Error}
hda: status error: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hda: drive not ready for command
hda: status error: status=0x01 {Error}
hda: status error: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hda: drive not ready for command
hda: status error: status=0x01 {Error}
hda: status error: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hda: drive not ready for command
hda: status error: status=0x01 {Error}
hda: status error: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
hda: drive not ready for command
ide0: reset: success
hda1 hda2 <hda5>
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
Couldn't get a free page.....
out of memoryVFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem).
init: cache '/etc/ld.so.cache' is corrupt

What is wrong? And what can I do about it?


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