Daniel Stringfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just noticed that mirror isn't deleting files that it should.  It knows
> it needs to delete them, because I get the output via email that it "need
> to do this and that" but it never does delete them.  I do have
> "do_deletes=true" in both mirror.defaults and
> /etc/mirror/packages/ftp.debian.org files.

There's a max_delete_files option (I have it set to 70%), which means if
more than 70% of files would disappear, don't delete anything (very useful
for transient problems with the FTP site).  I think there's another one for
directories.  For an interim solution, there's a script do_unlinks which
comes with the mirror package (look in /usr/doc/mirror/examples), which
needs to be modified to point at your mirror directory, and then you can
just feed it the output from mirror and it will delete all the files and
dirs it says need to be deleted.


Warwick Harvey                                    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science                        phone: +61-3-9344-9171
University of Melbourne                                 fax: +61-3-9348-1184
Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3052     web: http://www.cs.mu.OZ.AU/~warwick

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